Light Dimmer Switches
I’m not a betting man, but if I was asked to wager why most people choose dimmable light bulbs over their standard counterparts, I’d probably go with their aesthetic potential.
By manipulating a tiny knob on one’s living room wall, it’s possible to completely alter the mood and ambience of a room at the drop of a hat. However, this actually carries with it a host of less obvious but equally favourable benefits such as reduced energy consumption and improved longevity – the longer your light bulbs are dimmed, the less energy they use and the longer they last. Got it? Great.
The proliferation of LED light bulbs in recent years has magnified these benefits yet further, with massively reduced wattages and hugely inflated lifetimes meaning that our light bulbs are now lasting longer than ever before. Read on
0 -10 Volt Rotary Dimming Switch
DimEzy™ Rotary LED Dimmer with On/Off
DimEzy™ Push Button LED Dimmer with On/Off switch
Outdoor 12-24 Volt DC Dimmer with Wireless Remote
from $75.00$109.00
Australia's Best Selling LED Dimmer Diginet MEDM
12-24 Volt DC PWM Dimmer with Wireless Remote